Thursday 17 July 2008

Disturbing Dreams and BotW - CPWK

The other night I dreamt that I was in a living complex with everyone I went to secondary school with, and I desperately needed to take a shit, but was worried people were going to watch me. I ran to the toilet, which was like a swimming pool toilet, and used a cubicle that had two doors. As I was shitting, the boy who committed suicide at my secondary appeared in front of me, with razor blades in his hands, and was slicing his wrists, unemotionally. I screamed, and was swiftly told not to, as my headmaster was using the phone in the cubicle behind me. I pulled up my trousers and boxers mid shit and ran to my room. As I get to the corridor I notice every door handle has a £5 note sellotaped to it, I ask a man sitting in the hallway why it is there and he says to me "you'll see... don't worry about it". At that point it ended.

Anybody know how to interpret dreams?

I know I haven't posted much recently, but I am researching the next big article: The most brutal movies made, or something along those lines. It is going to be epic.

I am also going to start doing a band of the week feature. This weeks band is:

Cutting Pink With Knives

CPWK were a really awesome band, they combined break-neck speed drum machine beats and electronics, with shredding guitars and vocals that go between full on screeching to lovely melodic singing. They are often described as "Cyber Grind" but this really does not do them justice. They have a combination of ambient, noise, pop, grind and electro, which results in a truly unique sound.

Sadly they have just recently decided to split, with only a few live shows remaining. I personally am gutted that I wont get to see them, as I have just gotten really into them, and would have loved to have seen them live. Plus, their last album "Populuxxe" really was a masterpiece, which embodied and excellent at what they have been known to do.

You can buy there stuff off of iTunes, which has all of their main releases, apart from "Oh Wow!", and you can buy "Populuxxe" from the link below, plus its only £2 until September 1st! What reason do you have NOT to buy it, cheap amazingly good music!



Agree or Disagree, comment me... bitches.

Recently I have listened to:
CPWK - Oh Wow! / Populuxxe
Dead Swans - Southern Blue
Your Demise - Blood Stays on the Blade EP / You Only Make Us Stronger
3 Inches of Blood - Fire Up The Blades
Converge - Jane Doe / Poacher Diaries
Cyndi Lauper - Greatest Hits
Rolo Tomassi - EP
Fucked Up - Epics in Minutes
Fantomas - Directors Cut
Alkaline Trio - Crimson

Recently I have watched -
The House By The Cemetery
Sex and The City
Family Guy
Spongebob Square Pants


Anonymous said...

i've had a few dreams featuring people i went to secondary with though none quite like that. Maybe you need a counsellor more than a dream interpreter:P